
usage: ovStoreDump -G gkpStore -O ovlStore ...

There are three modes of operation:
  -d [a[-b]] dump overlaps for reads a to b, inclusive
  -q a b     report the a,b overlap, if it exists.
  -p a       dump a picture of overlaps to fragment 'a'.

  FORMAT (for -d)

  -coords    dump overlap showing coordinates in the reads (default)
  -hangs     dump overlap showing dovetail hangs unaligned
  -raw       dump overlap showing its raw native format (four hangs)
  -paf       dump overlaps in miniasm/minimap format
  -binary    dump overlap as raw binary data
  -counts    dump the number of overlaps per read

  MODIFIERS (for -d and -p)

  -E erate          Dump only overlaps <= erate fraction error.
  -L length         Dump only overlaps that are larger than L bases (only for -p picture mode).
  -d5               Dump only overlaps off the 5' end of the A frag.
  -d3               Dump only overlaps off the 3' end of the A frag.
  -dC               Dump only overlaps that are contained in the A frag (B contained in A).
  -dc               Dump only overlaps that are containing the A frag (A contained in B).
  -v                Report statistics (to stderr) on some dumps (-d).
  -unique           Report only overlaps where A id is < B id, do not report both A to B and B to A overlap

  -best prefix      Annotate picture with status from bogart outputs prefix.edges, prefix.singletons, prefix.edges.suspicious
  -noc              With -best data, don't show overlaps to contained reads.
  -nos              With -best data, don't show overlaps to suspicious reads.

ERROR: no operation (-d, -q or -p) supplied.
ERROR: no input gkpStore (-G) supplied.
ERROR: no input ovlStore (-O) supplied.