
usage: tgStoreDump -G <gkpStore> -T <tigStore> <v> [opts]


  -G <gkpStore>           path to the gatekeeper store
  -T <tigStore> <v>       path to the tigStore, version, to use

TIG SELECTION - if nothing specified, all tigs are reported
              - all ranges are inclusive.

  -tig A[-B]              only dump tigs between ids A and B
  -unassembled            only dump tigs that are 'unassembled'
  -bubbles                only dump tigs that are 'bubbles'
  -contigs                only dump tigs that are 'contigs'
  -nreads min max         only dump tigs with between min and max reads
  -length min max         only dump tigs with length between 'min' and 'max' bases
  -coverage c C g G       only dump tigs with between fraction g and G at coverage between c and C
                            example:  -coverage 10 inf 0.5 1.0 would report tigs where half of the
                                      bases are at 10+ times coverage.

DUMP TYPE - all dumps, except status, report on tigs selected as above

  -status                 the number of tigs in the store

  -tigs                   a list of tigs, and some information about them

  -consensus [opts]       the consensus sequence, with options:
                            -gapped           report the gapped (multialignment) consensus sequence
                            -fasta            report sequences in FASTA format (the default)
                            -fastq            report sequences in FASTQ format

  -layout [opts]          the layout of reads in each tig
                          if '-o' is supplied, three files are created, otherwise just the layout is printed to stdout
                            -gapped           report the gapped (multialignment) positions
                            -o outputPrefix   write plots to 'outputPrefix.*' in the current directory

  -multialign [opts]      the full multialignment, output is to stdout
                            -w width          width of the page
                            -s spacing        spacing between reads on the same line

  -sizes [opts]           size statistics
                            -s genomesize     denominator to use for n50 computation

  -coverage [opts]        read coverage plots, one plot per tig
                            -o outputPrefix   write plots to 'outputPrefix.*' in the current directory

  -depth [opts]           a histogram of depths
                            -single           one histogram per tig

  -overlap                read overlaps
                            -thin overlap     report regions where the (thickest) read overlap is less than 'overlap' bases

  -overlaphistogram       a histogram of the thickest overlaps used
                            -o outputPrefix   write plots to 'outputPrefix.*' in the current directory